Sports Injury Recovery And Rehabilitation Treatment

Raise Your Game with shockwave (Focused & Radial Extracorporeal Shockwave Therapy), EMTT (Extracorporeal Magnetotransduction Therapy) and Osteopathic Treatment for Sports Injuries.

As an Osteopath, I treat the causes of injury and not just the symptoms in isolation. This is important, as I feel it produces better results and helps reduce the risk of re-injury. It also provides you with a better understanding of what’s going on and gives you the confidence to get back to training/competing.

Shockwave & EMTT as a combination therapy with Osteopathy gives better and quicker outcomes when it comes to treating sports injuries. With an event deadline looming, athletes want to be better yesterday!

Rehabilitation is essential for full recovery from injury and the early return to training and competition. The nature and extent of injury and the body part affected will dictate the length of recovery but, generally, the sooner you get started the sooner you will recover. Minor strains and sprains can be managed using PRICE ( Protect. Rest. Ice. Compression. Elevation) for the first 48 hours. A managed recovery approach is advised when the injury is more serious, unexplained or has become chronic. Managed recovery will often include some of the following elements;

  • Shockwave & EMTT treatment

  • Soft tissue massage.

  • Stretching.

  • Joint/spinal manipulation.

  • Rhythmic techniques for stiff joints.

  • Sports Taping (Kinesio tape).

  • Acupuncture.

  • Prescribed exercise/stretching via Rehab My Patient

  • Advice on pain management.

  • Advice on nutrition.

  • Feedback on progress and success.

As treatment progresses you’ll soon have the confidence and motivation to resume activities. My aim is to always get you feeling better sooner rather than later.

Shockwave therapy and EMTT is available only in the Goodworth Clatford (Andover) clinic.

Book an appointment.

You can book an appointment online or call 01264 580280 if you would like to discuss your condition beforehand.

I’m registered with the following health insurance companies.